I Wonder... Background

Friday, June 25, 2010


I am ready to be in Colorado with my family. I'm on break, right? I STILL feel like I have ALL THIS STUFF to do! Colorado means I can relax and enjoy my siblings, my niece, my parents, and all the activities or non-activities I wish!

So Sunday... GET HERE.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


An update! I've moved to Oak Lawn! It's a community in Dallas, just north of Uptown. LOVE IT. The people are friendly, the area is green, and I have easy access to highways, food, and friends. The latter two are extremely important. :)

So I will post pics of the new place soon. Right now I just can't find my camera from the move. But if I put off posting any longer, you'll all have thought I'd disappeared off the planet!

Other exciting things? My choir program is growing like crazy next year! I have 79 students currently. Or did before school let out. Next year? 180!!! How crazy is that?!?!? I am really looking forward to finally teaching Choir, and only Choir! I will miss the time with the administrators at lunch duty, and the hecticness that is Yearbook, but CHOIR! This is what I'm SUPPOSED to teach! So I'm happy!

ANOTHER exciting thing? I get to go on vacation with my family in a few weeks! Time to enjoy horseback riding, hiking, and the mountains of Colorado. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing my sisters, my parents, and my NIECE. Love that cutie pie!

So as soon as I get pictures uploaded, you can see the new place for yourselves. It's very, "Kate". :)