I Wonder... Background

Thursday, November 30, 2006

SNOW! Kind of...

Growing in up IL/MN snow was a yearly thing - happy at first, then annoying as I had to scrape my car everyday. Here in TX it's a rarity, but I got to use my scraper today! My kids were thrilled over the flurries we had (not really anything I would consider full-blown snow, it was more like sleet that couldn't decide WHAT precipitation to be) and their eyes lit up. They lit up so much they were almost unable to concentrate on the songs we were singing! And I do not have a window in my room. I do not envy those with a window - nothing got done today in the classrooms. Though the teachers figured it out... "If you're good and we work hard for the remainder of the period we can go out side for the last 2 minutes of class". I couldn't bear the thought of herding children when the bell rang (not unlike herding cats), especially when they would have been enjoying this rare phenomemnon - I would feel guilty. So instead I made them stay in. I know, I'm the kind-hearted teacher you've always wanted. =)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Holiday Happenings

The holiday is over and I'm back at it with my lovely little Middle Schoolers. Crazy kids. =) I have to say the break was nice though! And I'll summarize my birthday... EARLY Sunday morning (12-2 AM) FANTASTIC thanks to Stacy, Taylor, Jeff, and of course... Alyse (quick quote "KATE!!! Can you walk forwards? I can only walk backwards!!!" and who could forget "Hook 'em Horns!"). Go ahead, ask. Later Sunday morning (8-11 AM) sucked. And I don't like to publish that word. Later that evening (5:30 PM - Bedtime) was WONDERFUL. Notice how I emphasize the good points. So turning 26 went rather well! New experiences for all that Saturday night/Sunday morning.

And then Heidi sent me this great book (yes Heids, you can read it after me) "I Know You're Out There - Private Longings, Public Humiliations and Other Tales from the Personals". I'm highly amused and enjoying each chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed your holiday's as much as I did mine! To keep you up on other aspects of my life money is missing, I'm ticked, and my lawyer is handling it. HOWEVER, amidst it all I am still happy that I am moving forward.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


So technically everything should have been filed yesterday. I talked to him today, and things are now in motion. Hooray?? It's difficult to celebrate something so depressing. So happy news?

I get to see my wonderful sister and brother-in-law in 2 more days! I wish the entire family was going to be here for the Thanksgiving feast, but alas, it is not to be. No worries though! Hopefully we will soon find ourselves surrounded by the energetic and warm soul that is Heidi - MN this spring, anyone? TX, Heidi??? Travelling is not unknown to the Gabriel/Gehrman clan. Also, it is my golden birthday this year!!! Turning 26 on the 26th. Crazy. Is there anything special for golden b-days? I didn't think so.

I hope you all have a wonderful and safe holiday (that's the good teacher in me coming out)! If I don't burn down my parents house or ruin the fudge we're making a month in advance of Christmastime, all will be well.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Small World

I've experienced another meeting wtih someone that, once again, proves that the world is indeed smaller than we used to think it was. While at Dunn Bros. this evening I met a lady who was the band director at my school 2 years ago. Fun to hear a little bit of gossip on my peers (all good, I might add), and to know that I got to make some teachers' days by emailing them saying so-and-so says hi! It's sometimes the simple things that make you smile the most.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Well, it's in motion. Papers are in and everything should be filed Monday. On one hand... relief & excitement. FINALLY it is time to begin this new chapter to my life! On the other hand, sadness. No one ever WANTS to be divorced, and I don't necessarily want to do it, but to get what I DO want that's what needs to be done. One step at a time.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Blogging Family

My sisters all have blogs! Minus one. She should get one for her and Taylor. I think it would be cute! And informative. At least it would give her something to do when she's tired of editing lawbooks. Should I try to talk our parents into it? They have quite a bit of trouble just reading our own blogs. Check out the family blogs under my links - I feel technologically intelligent.

Fixed it!

Alrighty then! I think I've fixed the "commenting" problem. You should all be able to post comments now! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. =)

Sunday, November 12, 2006

New Blog

So I have decided to jump on the "Blog Bandwagon" and start my own blog. I have multiple family and friends around the country, not to mention the DFW metroplex that I don't get to see very often and thought, 'My, my. It seems that a blog is an efficient and simple way to let everyone know what's going on in my life without having to track them down during 'free minute' times of the day.' Thus I created my own site.

So to all you family and friends around the country, this is for you!!! And my mom said it would be therapeutic. So here's to me, too!!! =) Always listen to counselors, especially if they're related to you.