I Wonder... Background

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving, 2008

Thanksgiving was so much fun! I spent it with Alyse at her husband's brother's girlfriend's parent's house in Austin and the Paull's. I really appreciated the warm welcome from everyone, as I seemed to be the odd-ball out. Below are some pics from the dinner... Mmmmm... the dinner. SO GOOD.

At the Stephens' home.

Agh! No, Molly! Stop licking my nostril!

That's right. Get Alyse and Jeff instead!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween is the New Thanksgiving

Remember how we were never allowed to put up Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving? And we all made a big to-do is you saw someone else had put up their lights on their house BEFORE that last week in November? Last year I 'tsked' every time I'd enter a store and see their Christmas items on the shelves even before November had begun.

I didn't notice it this year. Not until I walked into Pier 1 and thought, 'Oh good! Christmas items! I can't wait to decorate!' And then I went home, looked up at my holiday storage bin on my closet shelf, and just before I decided to pull it down and unload the holiday spirit my brain did a double-take.

Wait. We haven't had Thanksgiving yet!

People, there is still an entire MONTH before December hits. There are even another 26 days until Thanksgiving! My BIRTHDAY hasn't hit yet, so WHAT am I thinking about Christmas for???

Because retail has drawn the conclusion that you go from Hallow's Eve to Christ's birth. And I bought into it this year without thinking about it. What about turkey? Ham? MASHED POTATOES?? Stacy, that was for you. What about my 28th birthday????? I want an arm band for my classic iPod so I can run with it.

Seriously. WHAT was I thinking? I wasn't. I apologize, Fall. I am sorry. I will no longer ignore your worthy season. Seeing as how I claim you to be my favorite. I will leave my cornucopia of squash and such items out until they rot, solely because I have slighted your existence. And because it's pretty. Like Fall.