I Wonder... Background

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Steroid Shots

With my lovely self being prone to sinus infections (I know that's not too much personal information for you all now, is it? Did you READ "Bright Blue Panties Girl"???) I've had a couple of steroid shots in my rear. Today's hurt. Does anybody else's nurse rub it in? HOLY MOLY that hurts worse than the shot! And you feel so... exposed.

Two rear end stories in one week folks... aren't you lucky? =)


Anonymous said...

This post is useless without pictures. You know that right?? :P

It's alright, you're still the coolest girl I know.


Kate said...

Apparently you missed my comment to my fellow teachers regarding pics of my bright blue panties. Allow me to refresh your memory...

"Seeing as how I'd rather not post my ass on the web, no, no pictures."

Someday I'll figure out how to put pictures (appropriate ones, thank you) on my blog and then I'll have some REAL fun! =)