I Wonder... Background

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Irrational Behavior

Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary describes "irrational" as such: 'lacking usual or normal mental clarity or coherence'.

Let's talk about rational behavior and thinking for a moment, shall we? I got off the phone with someone this evening who has decided they will NEVER get a divorce in their lifetime. Even if the other person wants one. Hmmm... So they want to be with someone who obviously doesn't want to be with them. Rational, or Irrational? Nevertheless I am slightly bemused at all of this considering the divorce is GOING TO HAPPEN one way or the other.

I just had to vent for a moment. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


Kyle said...
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Kyle said...

Coda, I want you to meet my new best friend. He's an irrational BUG!!

Kate said...

Thank you for the highly amusing comment. I'm smiling. =)

Heidi said...

Weird....just keep on doing what you're doing. It will all work out in the end. Love you!

PS Rob says "whoever you were on the phone with is insensitive perhaps...or retarded."

Kate said...

How much do I love my step-brother right now? Thanks for sharing Heidi. =)