I Wonder... Background

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Mary Kay Culture

I learned a lot this weekend. I had the opportunity to fly out to Las Vegas (1st time there!) on Thursday and learn from the best in our area. The Shealy Area Advance was fantastic. I was concerned about an hour before it ended though. Everyone there kept emphasizing the feeling that Mary Kay has to have IN you for you to be in it. That you had to have a purpose for your business. I hadn't caught that bug yet. While our National was speaking to us though I figured it out.

I want to teach.

No, this does not mean that I am leaving Mary Kay or leaving my middle school (yet). I saw the women onstage this weekend and admired their enthusiasm, presence, and FUN attitudes! I felt like I was surrounded by women LIKE ME. Crazy, beautiful women who want to be the best they can be as they are - and they'll make up dances and skits and songs to perform for the rest of us just for entertainment. Do you know how badly I wanted to join in the "Dreamgirls" dance for the MK Husbands last night at the banquet??? It involved boas!!! Here are women who GET ME. Who want to be in the spotlight, but who don't focus on themselves to get there, they focus on OTHERS.

So the teaching thing.

I want to be one of the women who stand up and inspire others. I want to be there helping other women realize their potential. I want women to love themselves and to know that THEY ARE ENOUGH. What better way to do that than through lipsticks? =) I should say what more FUN way to do that than through lipsticks???

Don't freak. I'm not in a cult. I'm now part of a culture. And I'm excited.

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