I Wonder... Background

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Nature in the Big City

I am constantly amazed at the number of natural elements I find living in the city rather than the suburbs. Sure, you have your normal squirrels, chipmunks (or ground squirrels), grackles, pigeons, etc. But now that I live IN Dallas, I have seen more wildlife and a vast array of trees and plantlife. From the opposums to the snails (big as I've ever seen!) to the variety of mushrooms - ones that look like parasols, neon green, even one that I thought was a white rock until I realized Coda was sniffing it and it was a fungus. I am constantly amazed. There are more birds here than the suburbs. More cardinals, more blue jays, more robins... And more trees! No one is plowing up vast acres of land to plant the same tree 50 times and say it's a "wooded" lot! There are vines everywhere. Flowers along the roadside and the residents take great pride in their landscaping. Mostly. I am more drawn to walk around and take in everything here than I was living in Grapevine, Irving, Frisco... all the suburbs just don't seem to offer the same unique, and yet familiar, landscape I enjoy. Kudos to the people here for bringing and maintaining the natural landscape you wouldn't think to find in Big D.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Cute post, Kate. I love living in the city, too.