I Wonder... Background

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Collin County Courthouse

I missed the 4th day of school today for a 30 minute stint in Collin County's newest courthouse up in McKinney. While I am content and, I can't think of a good word... satisfied? We'll go with it. Satisfied that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I am perturbed that this light hasn't blinded me yet. WHY is there so much conflict over reason? WHY is there NO conflict when reason is trying to be had??? There isn't any because it becomes a one-sided argument. Not even that. A one-sided attempt at discussion. I feel as though this thing that has been haunting me is STILL THERE. I want it gone. It should have been gone months ago, as Texas law says it can be. Folks, mediation is supposed to occur before Sept. 15th (that's what the order said, anyhow) and a trial has been set (if needed) for October 15th. Friends in the area, you can bet there will be a get-together that coming weekend. Be ready for celebration, because if it doesn't happen then, it had better have happened in September (how awesome would that be???). I already have students calling me by my maiden name. It has a wonderful ring to it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The First Day

It's over. The first day of school is FINISHED! Amen to that. I have some very sweet 6th graders, awesome 8th graders, and TALKATIVE 7th graders. And my boy's choir? 19 males and hopefully still counting. I am PUMPED UP for this year! We have some awesome things planned, and if all goes as well as we're planning them we are going to have a blast of a year. 1st place ratings, here we come! Just thought you'd all like to know how the first day went. We sing and move my furniture tomorrow. =)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Rimelspach-Gupta Wedding

I know you are all interested in hearing about my friend's wedding, so here you go! Jennifer's wedding was AMAZING! I strongly suggest attending a Hindu ceremony at some point in your life - very beautiful and so much fun! And the Gupta's would definitely give the Lindsay's a run for their money out on the dance floor! Below are some pics, and more are on my Facebook page.

Jennifer and Pankaj are so beautiful together!

Seriously, Jennifer was adorned head to toe in her wedding lenga. GORGEOUS.

Pankaj rode on this fine stead for the processional while we danced in front of him with the musicians around the temple.

Speaking of dancing... =)

Jennifer and Pankaj recessing after the enchange of rings. Absolutely an amazing wedding.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So. I had my splints and stitch (that's right, 1 stitch) removed out of my nose today. Splints? OK. Sore to get out (they're about 1/2 in. tall and 2-3 in. long), but a relief. Stitch? I cried. I cried and I needed a couple of minutes before they took out the splints. That front part inside your nose is SENSITIVE! Mom says I need to learn more breathing techniques.

But they're out! And I can already feel a difference. YIPPEE! So thanks for the prayers and thoughts and well-wishes (and putting up with my drug-induced poetry, if you can call it poetry). Next week they finish cleaning out my sinuses and I'll be done! I'm very glad to be in the upside of recovery now. Puking and oozing (that's for you, Stacy) in Erin's bedroom was not the highlight of my stay at the Orenders. Seeing Erin bring me a cheeseburger when I could handle it WAS! And the toy? I'm playing with it, don't you worry, Erin! =)

I'll update you with more later! Ciao!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ode to My Nose

Oh, thou great and amazing organ-thingy!
You that causes me to smell the sweet scents of roses, lilacs, and Coda's breath!
You that have caused me so much congestion and suffering (and medical bills) throughout the ages...
You are my nose!

One of the Five Senses you are truly a work of art,
And those who have studied you are awed by your amazing works.
The scents you scent,
The odors you open my eyes to,
The aromas you arouse in my brain are innumberable.

And yet you torment me, nose.

Though you are supposedly healing, I can not even smell tuna.
Though you are supposedly healing, I can not breathe through my left nostril.
Though you are supposedly healing, I am still wiping up the oozes from your olefactories.

But you ARE healing.
You ARE progressing.
You ARE becoming better, and though there is pain, it is a healing pain.

And so I ask...
Do not mock my inability to spell or use correct vocabulary words or even to create bad poetry, but rejoice with me for a better, healthier nose!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I'll be able to breathe...

Tomorrow! It's only a daaaaaaaaay, aaaaaaaaaaaa-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Yes folks, tomorrow is the big day. Surgery on my sinuses around 7:30 AM. How pumped am I? Considering I won't be able to breathe out of my nose for a week, not sing for a few weeks, but then know what it's like to actually not have an infection all the time, PRETTY DARN PUMPED UP!

And I'll look great too, because I finally did it and got professional highlights (and lowlights!!!) in my hair. Don't worry, I will post a pic. It's HOTT.

Sorry if you don't hear from me for awhile, however I'll be hopped up on drugs. Who-hoo!