I Wonder... Background

Monday, July 14, 2008

Out and About!

Two nights ago I was out with the girls, celebrating my friend's last few weeks as an unmarried woman. We had a GREAT time pre-dinner opening gifts at Hotel ZaZa in Uptown, and then went out to Cuba Libre for some amazing Cuban fare. Unfortunately for me, I had to depart after dinner as I'd made the mistake of booking a bachelorette party that night, and singing a solo for the 2 services at church the next day. 1st service was at 8:30 AM. But I hear they had a great time dancing, and those of us from East can hardly wait for the wedding! Below is a pic of the East girls, and then a link to my solo. Can you tell I had alcohol the night before???

And the solo, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"... just not another margarita!
It's a little hard to hear. No mike in front of me.

*Had to delete the link as it was going to the newest anthem - some guy singing.*


Heidi said...

Kate, good picture! (ps, your boobs look good in that shirt.)

Kate said...

Thanks! I have to agree with you. =)

Katy said...

Whoa, I love love love that song. and you did sing it beautifully. Kate, you can really hit those high notes. you should be around me, my mom and erin when we try to sing really high. you would die.

Kate said...

Thanks Katy! And I would LOVE to be around you, your mom, and Erin! Singing or not! =) Love ya!