I Wonder... Background

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So it's been awhile since I last posted. I don't really know what to tell you though! Not much is going on here. Coda's crazy. I'm sleeping in when she lets me, and I'm thinking about getting ready for school that starts up in a few weeks. I'm heading out to Albuquerque one more time (next weekend!) to visit the 'rents and am thankful I know people who work for Southwest Airlines. If you're single and work for an airline, please contact me. That alone guarantees you at least 3 dates with me. Yes, I'm single again. And really, that's good! I'm raring to go now for school! Who-hoo! I plan to paint my office a purple-ish grey. Why? Because I can. And because it's time to make it mine. This will be my 3rd year there and I don't plan on leaving anytime in the near future. MY OFFICE SHOULD BE MY OWN! Questions? Didn't think so. =) Alrighty! Until something exciting comes up, or until I feel guilty for not blogging... ciao.

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